Cultures contemporaines
Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll
© Claudia Ndebele

Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll

8-18€ [LU card]
9€ [student]
show in English and Chinese, surtitled in French and English
Switzerland / Taïwan
Public with reduced mobility
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Ceci n’est pas une ambassade (Made in Taiwan)

For several decades, Taiwan has been living in a fragile status quo. Claimed by China, the island, which has its own government and institutions, dreams of independence. But faced with the world’s second-largest power, how do you exist without risking extinction? By bringing together the contrasting and committed views of a digital activist, a former diplomat, and a musician heiress to a bubble tea company, Stefan Kaegi imagines a utopia that only the theatre can provide: creating an embassy on stage. 


Concept and direction: Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll) 
Dramaturgy & assistant director: Szu-Ni Wen 
Set design: Dominic Huber 
Video: Mikko Gaestel Mikko Gaestel 
Music: Polina Lapkovskaja (Pollyester), Debby Szu-Ya Wang, Heiko Tubbesing
Research Taiwan: Yinru Lo 
Video images : Philip Lin
Lighting: Pierre-Nicolas Moulin
Co-dramaturgy: Caroline Barneaud
Assistant director: Kim Crofts 
Set design assistant: Matthieu Stephan (intern)
Outsiders: Aljoscha Begrich, Viviane Pavillon
Stage manager: Quentin Brichet
Stage manager: Bruno Moussier
Sound managers: Charlotte Constant & Ludovic Guglielmazzi
Video directors: Sebastian Hefti & Nicolas Gerlier
Lighting technicians: Pierre Nicolas Moulin & Jean-Baptiste Boutte
Accessories: Séverine Blanc, Clélia Ducraux & Mathieu Dorsaz
Set construction: Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
With Chiayo Kuo, Debby Szu-Ya Wang, David Chienkuo Wu 


Production : Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne
National Theater & Concert Hall Taipei 

Coproduction : Rimini Apparat, Berliner Festspiele, Volkstheater Wien, Centro Dramático Nacional Madrid, Zürcher Theater Spektakel, Festival d’Automne à Paris, National Theatre Drama / Prague Crossroads Festival

Europe Production  : Tristan Pannatier (Théâtre Vidy-Lausanne)

Taïwan Production : Chin Mu (NTCH)

Support : Centre Culturel de Taiwan à Paris, Prix Tremplin Leenaards / La Manufacture

Stefan Kaegi / Rimini Protokoll
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