Cultures contemporaines
Georges Labbat
© David Leborgne

Georges Labbat

50 min
5-13 €
5-8 € (LU card)
5 € (student)
from age 15
Public with reduced mobility
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Self / Unnamed

Georges Labbat’s first solo performance, Self / Unnamed, explores notions of control, duality, and identity, as well as the power relations that constantly regiment our days, more or less consciously: at home, at work, between friends. In a strange duet, two bodies confront each other: his own, alive, and the other, inanimate (a statue, the dancer’s translucent, rigid alter ego). Bonds are created and broken. Roles are exchanged, conflicts arise and then dissipate…


Choreography and interpretation: Georges LABBAT
Lighting design: Alice PANZIERA
Set design: Remy EBRAS
Musical creation: Paul FLEURY
Artistic advisors: Némo FLOURET, Solène WACHTER, George CISERON
Production manager: Margaux ROY
Administration: Yolaine FLOURET 


Production : BleuPrintemps

Support : CCNO - Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans, via le dispositif de compagnonnage de BleuPrintemps / Mairie d'Orléans, Région Centre - Val de Loire, DRAC - Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles de la région Centre - Val de Loire

Coproductions : CCNO - Centre chorégraphique National d'Orléans, Le 108 - Orléans, L'Antre-Peaux - Bourges, CCNT - Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours

Residency : CCNO - Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans, Le 108 - Orléans, Micadanses - Paris, La Pratique - Vatan, L'Antre-Peaux - Bourges, La Briqueterie - CDCN Val de Marne, CCNT - Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours

With the help of : Danse Dense, La Belle Orange 

As part of
Festival Trajectoires
co-directed with
Théâtre Francine Vasse
Georges Labbat
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